Data Source

Our journey starts with data collection on Amazon Review Data. The dataset we use encompasses both product reviews and metadata from Amazon in the range May 1996 - Oct 2018. The reviews data contains review information such as ratings, text, helpfulness votes and the metadata provides the product information such as descriptions, category, brand, product link etc. For the demo purpose, we chose Refrigerator, Ladder, Standing Desk and Lawn Mower as our product examples and used the pre-category data from (amazon review by UCSD) across the below product categories, respectively.

Data Preprocessing

Our mission is to classify reviews into relevant themes in order to empower the end users with valuable insights. To achieve this, our data preprocessing entails the following steps:

Data Cleaning

To ensure the accuracy and relevance of the data, we embarked on a meticulous data filtering process as listed below:

  • Metadata Filtering: our approach places significant emphasis on category data and if needed, we leverage string filters on title as well to precisely identify the specific products under analysis.
  • Connecting Reviews and Metadata: we then carefully linked the review data with the filtered data from previous step to isolate and focus solely on reviews that’s directly associated with the identified products.
  • Honoring Verified Reviews: as an effort to reduce the impact from fake review and uphold the credibility of the review content, we choose to honor the Amazon’s “Verified Purchase” flag and focus exclusively on reviews classified as “Verified”.
  • Review Rating Selection: As a proxy for sentiment, we retained reviews with ratings of 3 or below, recognizing their significance in offering valuable insights into diverse aspects of the product.
  • Review Length Consideration: Longer reviews tend to provide more detailed and comprehensive information. Therefore, we kept only reviews with a length of 5 words or more to ensure the depth of insights from our analysis.

Data Labeling

To ensure the most relevant insights of the product will be reflected from mainly vendors perspective, we choose the distinctive labels as “Quality”, “Design/Functionality”, “Delivery/Packaging” and “Other” to categorize our reviews data.

We initially explored the possibility of using GPT to assist in the classification process. However, to ensure the integrity and utility of the labels, we ultimately fall back on the manual labeling process. The detailed labeling approach is explained as follows:

  • Quality:
    • Look for keywords and phrases that directly address the product's build, materials, or overall performance on durability. These may include terms like “stopped working“, “broke”, “poorly made”, etc.
    • Pay attention to specific aspects of the product criticized by customers, such as “flimsy plastic”, ”wheel fell off“, “bottom snapped”, etc.
    • When no keywords, phrases are presented, identify the review showing the sentiments related to dissatisfaction with the quality of the overall or part of the product as well as overall quality control.
  • Design/Functionality:
    • Look for keywords and phrases that point out the issues with product design or function. Examples include: “poorly designed”, “don’t like”, “runs into problem”.
    • Identify reviews with phrases that address the product's specific design aesthetics or functional features. For examples: “heavy”, “bag hangs too low”, “doesn’t cut even”,
    • Focus on sentiments related to how well the product can meet its intended purpose. e.g. the reviewer express explicitly their hope/expectation for the product to be made in certain ways.
  • Delivery/Packaging:
    • Look for keywords and phrases that explicitly point out issues related to the delivery or packaging of the product. For example: “packaging damage“, “box was open”, “non-original package”
    • Locate the reviews with expressions that implies the product was not handled properly during delivery and packaging process and caused dissatisfaction. E.g. “arrived with scratch”, “missing parts”, “previously returned”,
    • Consider sentiments related to any issues caused by the delivery or packaging process that happened before the product was put into use.
  • Other:
    • For reviews that do not fit into the above categories, assign them to the "other" category.
    • This category may include feedback about customer service experiences, any additional features that are not covered by the primary themes such as incorrect installation instruction, or any general comments that are unclear on conveying the issue or do not pertain to specific aspects.

Text Preprocessing

As we harness the power of the BERT Model for review classification, our text preprocessing process leverages the BERTTokenizer to convert the data into tokenized format to ensure the seamless compatibility with BERT's input requirements. Please refer to our NLP model section for further details. When utilizing the BERTopic model for unsupervised topic clustering, we filter first by review class and product category before feeding the review into the BERTopic model. Each review was then further broken down and tokenized by each sentence before feeding all sentences into the model.


Our primary task revolved around text classification where we classified reviews into different categories such as Quality, Design/Functionality, etc as the customer's primary complaint or area of concern regarding their Amazon product review. We primarily explored three different models. We had compared a naives bayes classification model as our baseline and compared to LLM models such as BERT base uncase and BERT large uncase which we fine tuned. The fine tuning involves unfreezing the last layer of the BERT model and training the last layer on our labeled dataset.

We wanted to focus our technique on using LLM models as usage of LLM models is the current state of art technique and currently relevant with the advent of LLM models such as GPT-4. We chose BERT over GPT as BERT from our research performs better for NLU tasks compared to GPT. BERT is bidirectional so it would look at the left and right context of a word to achieve better understanding compared to GPT which only considers the left context of a word. GPT is more suited to summarization and knowledge based tasks such as translation due to the large corpus that the latest GPT model is trained on.

LLM models due to already being pre-trained on a large corpus of documents allows for better performance especially when the existing labeled dataset is small. Our dataset was inherently unlabeled so we had to manually review and generate a labeled dataset. We split the dataset primarily into a training, validation,and test dataset. We compared the different models based primarily on the F1-score. Both BERT models performed similarly with the Naive Bayes classification model being the worst of the three. We went with BERT base uncase since the performance was similar to BERT large uncase, but took less time to train. By separating the customer complaints into proper categories, we believe it would enable sellers to achieve better and more specific insights. We wish to enable them to hone in on primary areas of where to best focus their efforts to create a product capable of competing with existing products on the market.

To achieve this goal of better enabling sellers to have useful insights, we had the additional subtask of topic modeling. After the reviews were classified, we fed this into a unsupervised topic model. We evaluated using LDA analysis as well as BERTopic. We also explored different representation models. We ultimately after manually reviewing results by eye chose to go with BERTopic model with the multi-modal approach of both KeyBERTInspired and MaximalRelevance as these had the most focused and relevant results. We hope to narrow areas of focus and reduce time of interpretation for the sellers through unsupervised topic clustering. The seller can within each review class quickly achieve an understanding of what areas of concern customers have issues with within each review class. One of the challenges we initially faced was having an inherently unlabeled dataset. We had to develop our own methodology to label the dataset as well as having to manually label the dataset. This resulted in having to work with a relatively small labeled dataset to train on. We also ran into issues with what categories to include. We used three primary categories of Design/Functionality, Quality,and Delivery/ Packaging. These were from our investigation the largest areas that reviews fell into. Adding additional classes that were smaller and not as well defined introduced noise and decreased overall model performance across all classes. We largely focused on these areas and disregarded other categories as we have found the other potential classes to be relatively very small. The lack of additional classes is also not a concern as we are most focused on providing overall macro insights and additional small amounts of error would not affect the insights provided. The unsupervised topic modeling was also a challenge due to the large amount of subjectivity and interpretability required. Future works would include investigating the generalizability of the text classification among product categories that the model was not pre-trained on. Another task would be to further explore and refine adding a text generator model to create better interpretation of topic clustering.